As an organization, we welcome feedback and complaints from every part of the world. If you have come across any issue related to the implementation of one of our projects, feel encouraged to fill in the form below. Or report your concern via another method listed below.
Report your concern anonymously
Which every way you choose to report your concern, please be reassured that your data will be handled carefully. More information about this can be found in our privacy statement. We will deal with all the information shared with us in a confidential manner, and we will ensure that complaints and feedback received will not have any negative repercussions on the one who has shared this information with us.
If you want to have more information on Tearfund Netherlands’ commitment to integrity, download our policies:
If you have concerns regarding the abuse of a child or a vulnerable adult/adult at risk please treat it seriously and report it within 24 hours of having been made aware of the issue/concern. You can use the following two ways to report these concerns:
Please note there are different contact numbers depending on where you are phoning from. Please use the local number for you. Find your local number here.
All calls and emails to Safecall are received by an independent team, who will not disclose your name to Tearfund without your explicit permission. Safecall will assure that concerns raised will be shared anonymously at a senior executive level within Tearfund and will be investigated thoroughly. Action will be taken in line with Tearfund Netherlands policies.
If the complaint is about other concerns, you can use the following ways to report these:
Thank you for filling in the form. In case you wish to contact us directly, feel free to contact us through the contact details mentioned above.
If you feel more confident in handing in the complaints or feedback anonymously, you can leave the boxes with your contact details empty. Please note that we are also not able then to give you any further information on the steps taken.
(with an * is required information)